Any gamer worth his salt would know that right tools for the jobs[read p@3@g3] is a must for proper gaming experience, and how do we know that these tools are in the best of shape or are in fact the proper tools...? well benchmark them silly! 3d mark 11 is soon to hit your senses around Q3 2010...hard! 3d mark 11 will support Direct X 11 and fully harness the power of directX. Let us get some facts straight for you, courtesy, the Futuremark team themselves!
So what's 3d mark all about?
If you really expected us to answer that question, let us ask you this - "Have you been sleeping under a rock for the past decade or so?" Juz kidding ;) .., 3d mark is an awesome piece of benchmarking software developed by people at Futuremark It basically runs a series of realtime and pre rendered high intensity 3d CG and calculates how your graphic card puts up against the run. In the end, results are shown and there's even a leaderboard system that shows your PC's ranking in the world game gene pool! "3d mark is the latest version of the worlds most popular benchmark that measures the performances of direct x 11 gaming pc's"
We requested the good hearted people at Futuremark to send us a preview on their upcoming 3d mark 11 as we wanted to show you first hand! And guess what, they did! So here's what we got for you:A sneak preview on the demo test video.
The deep see trailer shows the power of direct x 11's tessellation and volumetric lighting as the submarines explore the seabed.The trailer rendered by the 3d mark 11 engine using already available directx 11 hardware seems impressive! Volumetric lighting illuminates the sea bed ,with tessellations used to add rich detail to the rock,coral and man made structures. A 14 element depth of field lens effects is achieved through post processing system slowly blurring the line between reality and the virtual world. The Music being an original composition, we like!
"Tessellation..? I'm a Gamer, should that concern me?"
DX 11 is said to feature true Depth of field [DOF] rendering, a postprocessing effect that adds a feeling of depth to 2d images by forcing the viewer to focus on specif point in space.The trailer featured some neat and smoot bokeh effect, blurring in out-of-focus areas of image. While currently gaussian blur is used to simulate DOF in current generation of games , the bokeh effect would be common in upcoming games due to the flexibility and power of Microsoft Directx 11and DX 11 based hardware.
Support for Volumetric lighting
Features such as Direct compute allows developers to create "compute shaders" to use processing powers of graphic card to run non graphical tasks.So parallel processing tasks can be taken off cpu and be given to the graphics card which eases the stress on your CPU. This gives game creaters great flexibility to create new effects with greater efficiency, quality and speed
Also we were told that DX11 will enable true Multi threading support, aiding games to take better advantage of multicore processors resulting in better framerates and faster load times. Earlier, most games ran better on dual cores rather than quad or core i5,i7 series, simply because of the fact that those games were not optimized to take full advantage of the extra cores.
And wrapping it up, 3d mark 11 will be offered in a range of price quotes catering to different types of customers, which the press release said, would be announced at a later point of time...However, for gamers like you and me, a free edition that allows unlimited runs will always be available :-D
Co-authored & edited by madz
Read more on Furturemark
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